Call for Submissions


If you are still working on your abstract submission, take advantage of the long weekend and finalise your submission by 11:59pm Monday 10 June 2024.

Remember: Only an Abstract is required at this time (250 words), not the full paper or presentation. 



The SETE24 theme “Advancing in an Emergent Digital World” invites submissions to explore the interplay between society, systems and an increasingly interconnected world. The theme is positioned to challenge the systems engineering, test & evaluation, and modelling & simulation communities to consider the dual ideas of how the digital world is advancing these fields, and how these fields are advancing the digital world.

We invite you to be part of this conference by submitting a full paper or paperless presentation or poster, a panel, workshop or tutorial.

Accessing the portal

If this is your first time submitting a paper for the Conference, please click on the Submit a Paper button below. Then click the 'Begin here' button on the submission site before being able to create your submission.

This will prompt you to enter your email address and create a password for your profile. You will then need to complete your Contact Information and upload your biography and photo. Once complete click on the ‘proceed’ button. After creating your profile, you will have access to submit, edit and withdraw any of your submission(s).

Note. If you have already created a profile, you will only need to enter your email address and password and click ‘Sign in’

Guidelines and Submission Instructions

Please read the following instructions on how to prepare your submission for the SETE Conference.

Submissions will be returned if the guidelines are not adhered to. Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted.


* Abstracts submitted in hard copy will not be accepted. Only abstracts submitted via the online portal will be accepted and reviewed.

*All abstracts must be prepared in English.

*All authors accepted to deliver a session must register for the Conference

*The submitting author (if different to the presenting author) will be the one linked to the abstract and will receive all relevant information via email. It is the submitting author’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that all relevant emails are passed onto the presenting author and any other relevant parties.


Please remember to proof read the abstract submission before pressing submit. 

Key Dates

Abstract submissions open 22 March 2024
Call for abstracts closes 10 June 2024
Notification to authors
(Full Papers)
From 24 June 2024
Notification to authors
(All other submissions)
From 24 June 2024
Initial Program Release 17 June 2024
Full Paper due for Peer Review 5 July 2024
All other submissions finalised 12 July 2024
Full Paper Outcome Notifications 26 July 2024
Final Program Release 29 July 2024
Full Paper Submissions Finalised 23 August 2024

Submitting your Abstract

There are no restrictions on the number of submissions you may submit or the number of submissions you may present

Submitting a paper is a multi-step process and you should ensure you have a copy of your submission on hand so that you can copy/paste the information easily into the text-based submission form fields

Step 1: Select the type of paper you'd like to submit

- Full Paper

- Paperless Presentations

- Panels and Workshops

- Tutorials


See a description of each paper and requirements here 

Step 2: Terms and Conditions

Read the terms and conditions for submitting a paper and provide permission on behalf of all authors and affiliations associated with the submission, for the paper to appear on the Conference website, app and in printed material if it is accepted for presentation.

Please also acknowledge that your submission will only be accepted into the final program if you have a valid registration.


Step 3: Categorisation

Presentation Type

Select the type of presentation you’d like to present (You can select any number of preferences)
The program committee can place you in any of these presentation types depending on program space and balance.

- Full Papers and Paperless Presentations can nominate a preference for a Presentation or Poster format.

- Panel & Workshops can nominate a preference for a panel or workshop format

- Tutorial can nominate a preference for tutorial format

Category Type

Select a category type that best suits your abstract, descriptions of each stream can be found below.

A. Advances in Domains 
    A.1. Electrification 
    A.2. Energy futures 
    A.3. Healthcare & biomedical systems 
    A.4. Interoperability & the electromagnetic environment 
    A.5. Joint Force Interoperability 
    A.6. Mission Engineering 
    A.7. Rail Systems Engineering 
    A.8. Systems Security 
    A.9. Test & Evaluation: Advancing Strategy 
    A.10. Transport & Infrastructure 
B. Advances in Approaches 
    B.1. Human systems 
    B.2. Future of Systems Engineering 
    B.3. Modelling and Simulation Advances 
    B.4. Simulation-based Learning & Serious Games 
    B.5. Sociotechnical Systems 
    B.6. Systems of Systems Engineering Applications 
    B.7. Systems Thinking & Complex Systems 
    B.8. Tailoring: frameworks and applications 
    B.9. Test & Evaluation of Systems of Systems 
C. Emerging Digital Futures 
    C.1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 
    C.2. Autonomy 
    C.3. Capability Engineering for Industry 4.0 
    C.4. Data Science in Systems Engineering 
    C.5. Digital Transformations 
    C.6. Education for Digital Natives 
    C.7. Modelling approaches 
    C.8. Technical Leadership in a Digital Future 
D. Other

Keywords - Please provide keywords/phrases to assist categorisation of your abstract.


Step 3: Abstract Title (max. 15 words)

Your title should be brief but long enough to indicate the nature of the abstract. If you wish to include a subtitle, it must be included in the abstract body

- Please double-check your title, as it will be published as submitted

- Use mixed case for title – do not use all caps or all lowercase. Do not put your title in quotation marks

Step 4: Authors & Affiliations

Your details as the main contact will automatically appear as an author. You will need to begin by checking your details are correct, add an affiliation and ticking if you are a presenter. Once it has been completed, you can add any additional authors and affiliations.

Please enter all authors in the order they should appear in the head of the abstract. If you (the Contact Author) are not the Presenter on a submission, you will need to provide contact information for the Presenter.

* Affiliations that are in the dropdown box and not selected will not be displayed
* Please ensure the spelling of their names and affiliations (if applicable) is correct.
* Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear.
* Provide an email contact for each co-author to confirm their contribution to the presentation

Step 5: Abstract

- Enter the abstract text, by either copy/pasting from your word file or typing in the information.
- Once your submission is complete, please read your abstract in full to ensure all details are correct.
- Do not use tables or figures.
- Ensure your abstract is print-ready Ie. If successful, the session information will appear in the Conference collateral as it has been submitted in the abstract.

Step 6: Author details & Biography

Enter the appropriate details. 

Please ensure you have the biography and headshot of the Presenting Author available to upload

Step 7: Confirm

Once complete you will be taken to a summary page to review all the details you have entered. If you are happy with the information, you may then click on the Finalise Submission button. The next screen will confirm your submission has been received. You will be sent a confirmation email.


Paper Descriptions

Full Papers

SETE invites authors to submit high-quality academic and practice-based papers aligned to SETE domains and streams. A paper should be fully formed, including, as appropriate, a clear articulation of the scope of the problem, assumptions, relevant literature, methodology or justification of theory development, results, analysis, implications and/or conclusions. Students are encouraged to submit a full paper and may submit a work-in-progress.

Authors of full papers must first submit a Structured Abstract to secure a place in the SETE program. If the Structured Abstract has been accepted, authors of full papers may proceed to submit their full paper with the assurance that they have been accepted into the SETE program either through the Paperless Presentation or Full Paper pathways.

Full papers must use the SETE24 template, and the manuscript must not exceed 5000 words. Joint authors must nominate a corresponding author. Substantive use of generative AI tools is discouraged, but any use must be declared in an acknowledgements section in the manuscript body. Full papers will be blind reviewed by at least three reviewers and judged on:

  • technical merit
  • originality and/or novelty
  • relevance to the SETE24 theme
  • contribution to the field

If a full paper is accepted into the SETE program, it will gain preference in the program for the chosen presentation format. If the full paper is not complete or not accepted into the program, the Structured Abstract may still be used to present the work.


Paperless Presentations

Paperless presentations provide the opportunity to share work-in-progress, novel approaches or challenging ideas without writing a formal paper. Paperless presentations must still demonstrate potential to be highly engaging and relevant to the SETE audience.

Paperless presenters must submit a Structured Abstract. Structured Abstracts should be aligned to SETE domains and streams, but must be written for a general audience. The Structured Abstract takes the form:

  • Overview – 2-3 sentences providing an outline of the work, problem investigated, or motivation for the paper. Why should we attend your presentation?
  • Context – 2-3 sentences on the background of the topic, problem, issue or phenomenon being investigated. What is already known?
  • Purpose – 2-3 sentences describing the research or practice question, your hypothesis or the rationale for the investigation. What were/are you trying to understand?
  • Approach – 2-3 sentences summarising the approach, what data or evidence was/could be collected or triangulated, and how it was analysed. Why should we believe you?
  • Insights – 2-3 sentences outlining the key insights from the investigation. What can we learn?

Structured Abstracts must be entered into the submission system in this form, and must not exceed a total of 300 words. Joint authors must nominate a corresponding author. Substantive use of generative AI tools is discouraged, but any use must be declared in “Information for reviewers”. Structured Abstracts will be blind reviewed by at least three reviewers and judged on:

  • technical merit
  • originality and/or novelty
  • relevance to the SETE24 theme
  • contribution to the field


Panels and Workshops

Panels and Workshops (facilitated sessions) provide the opportunity collaborate on big ideas through the SETE program. Facilitated sessions may take the form of a traditional panel with experts or invited speakers, a roundtable discussion, a workshop to engage participants, an open forum of ideas, a fireside chat, or a debate. If appropriate, highly relevant and impactful topics may be considered for the plenary program.

Facilitated sessions must submit a Proposal. Proposals should be aligned to SETE domains and streams, but must be written for a general audience. The purpose of the Proposal for a facilitated session is to help flesh out ideas and adapt and align to the SETE program.

The Proposal for facilitated sessions takes the form:

  • Catchy title – a short title that provides a taste for the facilitated session.
  • Format – 1 sentence description of the intended format
  • Overview – 2-3 sentences outlining the general motivation and narrative for the facilitated session. Why should we attend your panel/workshop?
  • Opportunity for interaction – 1-2 sentences describing how you plan to encourage interaction between presenters and participants. How can the audience participate in the session?
  • Line-up – a listing of confirmed presenters. Who is presenting?
  • Length – a facilitated session may run for 30, 60 or 90 minutes.
  • Room style – what kind of room set-up and AV is required?
  • Domain or Stream – which Domain/s or Stream/s is this facilitated session relevant to?

Proposals must be entered into the submission system in this form, and must not exceed a total of 200 words. Joint presenters must nominate a corresponding author. Proposals for facilitated sessions will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and judged on:

  • relevance to the SETE24 theme
  • likely contribution to the conference
  • diversity of talent, including efforts to ensure gender balance and career stage



Tutorials are an important aspect of the professional development of SETE24 attendees. Tutorials are delivered on a Tutorial Day of the conference, and typically take the form of classroom instruction. Tutorials must advance a topic of relevance to SETE24, and may take the form of:

  • an introduction tutorial: a 101-style orientation to a relevant topic
  • a professional development tutorial: building the skills and capability of attendees;
  • a technology capability tutorial: demonstrating new tools, techniques and applications (note, this must not be a sales presentation)
  • a best practices methodology tutorial: concerned with advancing the art and science of practice

Tutorials must submit a proposal. Proposals should be aligned to SETE domains and streams, but must be written for a general audience.
The proposal for a tutorial takes the form:

  • Catchy title – a short title that provides a taste for the tutorial.
  • Format – 1 sentence description of the intended format
  • Overview – 2-3 sentences outlining the general motivation and narrative for the tutorial. Why should we attend your tutorial?
  • Audience – 1-2 sentences describing who the intended audience is. Who should be in the room?
  • Line-up – a listing of confirmed presenters. Who is presenting?
  • Room style – what kind of room set-up and AV is required?
  • Domain or Stream – which Domain/s or Stream/s is this facilitated session relevant to?

Tutorial proposals must be entered into the submission system in this form, and must not exceed a total of 200 words. Joint presenters must nominate a corresponding author. Tutorial proposals will be reviewed by at least three reviewers and judged on:

  • relevance to the SETE24 theme
  • likely benefit to attendees

Conference Streams

A.    Advances in Domains

Stream A.1.        Electrification

Electrification across the energy lifecycle. This stream will explore lifecycle issues around all aspects of electrification, from generation, to storage, to distribution and charging, to end use (EVs and heating/cooling). Contributions to this stream are invited to share insights on the system as a whole across the energy lifecycle, including sustainability issues.

Lead: Thomas Manley

Tags: Energy & Nuclear Technologies, Sustainability and the Environment, Transport & Cities

Stream A.2.        Energy futures

Engineering Solutions for a Clean Energy Future. Contributions to this stream are invited to explore applications of MBSE and digital engineering to structure, de-risk and streamline energy transformation to a resilient, net zero emissions future, considering the need for wide accessibility of capabilities and insights across society and enhanced stakeholder trust and experience.

Leads: Stephen Craig, Sam Mancarella

Tags: Energy & Nuclear Technologies, Sustainability and the Environment, Transport & Cities

Stream A.3.        Healthcare & biomedical systems

Healthcare & biomedical systems. Systems Engineering and Systems Thinking have much to offer to enhance healthcare outcomes, though these practices are not widely adopted. Healthcare systems are often complex, distributed, and safety critical. Contributions to this stream are invited to share case studies or contributions where a systems approach has or may improve outcomes.

Leads: Andrew Madry, Grace Kennedy

Tags: Healthcare Systems

Stream A.4.        Interoperability & the electromagnetic environment

Interoperability through digitisation of the electromagnetic environment. With the advancement of digitisation of RF systems over large bands, this is opening up a whole world of a digital electromagnet environment in real time allowing for more options for interoperability of systems. This stream invites contributions that explore this problem and opportunities through improved communications.

Lead: Kris Daly

Tags: Defence, Telecommunications

Stream A.5.        Joint Force

Enabling Joint Force Interoperability. More and more Defence projects aim to deliver systems that are expected to accomplish joint missions. Submissions in this stream should explore how Systems Engineering can be applied to the Defence domain to enable the delivery of those systems, including applications of Mission or SoS Engineering.

Lead: Marco Meloni

Tags: Defence

Stream A.6.        Mission Engineering

Mission Engineering and Capabilities. Mission Engineering elevates thinking from system level to the concepts of Systems of Systems, Operational Concepts and the integration of Mission Capabilities.   Presentations to further the theory as well as the practical implementation of Mission Engineering are invited.

Leads: Michael Edwards, Theo Venter

Tags: Defence

Stream A.7.        Rail Systems Engineering

Rail systems engineering: digital advances. This stream invites submissions that explore digital advances in the Rail sector, such as the FRMCS (Future Railway Mobile Communications System). Submissions should share approaches to ensure that deliverables match business case objectives, lifecycle phases, and milestone criteria.

Leads: Obaid Khan, Khairulzaman Kamarulzaman

Tags: Telecommunications, Transport & Cities

Stream A.8.        Systems Security

Systems Security and Risk Mitigation. Management and mitigation of security risk is an essential component of modern technical and socio-technical systems. This stream will explore identification, management, and mitigation of risks in systems security themes, including security in electronic and information systems, physical systems, and cyber-physical systems.

Leads: Obaid Khan, Khairulzaman Kamarulzaman

Tags: Cybersecurity

Stream A.9.        Test & Evaluation: Advancing Strategy

Test &Evaluation : Advancing Defence T&E Strategy. Testing is a well-established systems engineering process, but systems assurance across the integrated capabilities for Defence are becoming more challenging. This stream invites contributions that realize the complexity of integrated force packages drives a need to improve T&E of systems-of-systems at Joint Force Level.

Lead: Contact the Technical Committee if you can assist in Chairing this session

Tags: Defence, Test & Evaluation, Strategy

Stream A.10.   Transport & Infrastructure

Transport & Infrastructure: advances in the infrastructure sector. This stream invites contributions that cover advances in SE in the Infrastructure, particularly in the areas of leadership, organisational integration, tailoring of approach, next-generation software tools, digitalisation, information management and other topics of interest that advance the application of SE in Infrastructure.

Leads: Ruben Welschen, Tom Castor, Sameera Bandara

Tags: Transport & Cities, Digital Futures


B.    Advances in Approaches 

Stream B.1.        Human systems

Human systems: the “messy” human component as antidote to emergence . Contributions to this stream are invited to highlight human variability, adaptability as under-utilized enablers of system resilience; challenge existing industrial, siloed perspectives of humans within complex socio-technical systems, and; question hierarchical command/control in favour of distributed/networked models that push information & decision-making to the edge of the organisation.

Leads: Derek Wade, René King

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream B.2.        Future of Systems Engineering

Shaping the Future of Systems Engineering: Pathways to SE Vision 2035. This session invites contributions that empower Systems Engineering through merging collaboration, standardisation, and educational initiatives to build the competencies and knowledge base essential for current and future engineers; encourage innovation and adaptation by integrating advanced tools, technologies, and methodologies to prepare for a digital future, and; emphasise value and evolution, highlighting the significance of systems engineering across various sectors and promoting its maturity to meet emerging challenges effectively.

Leads: René King, Erika Palmer

Tags: Education, Certification & Training, Human Systems Integration, Research Capabilities

Stream B.3.        Modelling and Simulation Advances

Modelling and Simulation Advances. This stream invites contributions from all domains to share simulation and modelling advances relevant to systems engineering. These may include qualitative and quantitative approaches, and may be at any stage of development. Submissions are invited to share novel practice that can lead to better outcomes within the SE lifecycle.

Lead: Contact the Technical Committee if you can assist in Chairing this session

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream B.4.        Simulation-based Learning & Serious Games

Simulation-based Learning & Serious Games: designs for the era of digital education and training. Innovative simulation-based learning designs and their outcomes became pivotal during the transfer to e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Contributions to this stream are invited to share understanding the experiences and what works in forging simulation-based learning in the digital era in your field.

Chair/Leads: Amanda Davies, Jan Roche

Tags: Simulation, Education, Serious Games

Stream B.5.        Sociotechnical Systems

Sociotechnical systems. How do we adequately ensure that our SE programs are including the broad range of socio-technical concerns? Share your work around contemporary human systems integration challenges, including Digital Humans, Industry 4.0/5.0, AI/Autonomy, Digital Work Design and Ethics in HIS

Lead:  Grace Kennedy

Tags: Human Systems Integration, All domains welcome

Stream B.6.        Systems of Systems Engineering Applications

System of Systems Engineering entails the application of systems engineering and systems thinking principals to systems that are both independent and interdependent, and present unique and complex challenges to stakeholders. This stream is for advances in System of Systems Engineering across all application domains, including defence, aerospace, cybersecurity, transport and infrastructure, and more.

Lead: Usman Khan

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream B.7.        Systems Thinking & Complex Systems

Systems Thinking & Complex Systems.  This stream will cover elements of systems thinking within complex, dynamic systems. Submissions are welcome that explore the application of qualitative and quantitative systems thinking tools and techniques to deliver better insights and drive better decision-making in complex socio-technical systems.

Lead: Contact the Technical Committee if you can assist in Chairing this session

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream B.8.        Tailoring: frameworks and applications

Tailoring: effective frameworks and applications. This stream will explore tailoring Systems Engineering processes and case studies for tailoring on projects. Submissions are invited to explore frameworks, key criteria, decision points and software tools that enable good tailoring decisions in early projects phases, and case studies from various domains where tailoring has worked in practice.

Leads: Aaron Miles, Lauren Fraser, Tilo Franz, Alexandra Morey, Erica Barrett

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream B.9.        Test & Evaluation of Systems of Systems

Test & Evaluation of Systems of Systems in all Domains. This stream welcomes submissions dealing with novel or noteworthy approaches to experimentation or testing at the systems, and systems of system level, and noteworthy instances of test programs employing more classical approaches. Model based approaches are especially welcome.

Leads: Tim Grabert, Robert Bunton

Tags: Test & Evaluation, All domains welcome


C.    Emerging Digital Futures

Stream C.1.        Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence , Machine Learning and SE processes. Projects involving machine learning, or more broadly AI are becoming ubiquitous. Lifecycle models have been developed specifically for "Data Science" projects. This stream invites presentations on what can we learn from Systems Engineering to applications and lead to successful AI projects.

Chair/Leads: Andrew Madry, Jawahar Bhalla

Tags: Digital Engineering, All domains welcome

Stream C.2.        Autonomy

Autonomy: engineering the right autonomy right. This stream invites presentations with a focus on innovation in the SE of AI-Intensive systems. Submissions should explore how traditional methodologies and frameworks will need to morph to build the autonomous system right and to build the right autonomous system in an evolutionary life-of-type context.

Lead: Jawahar Bhalla

Tags: Digital Engineering, All domains welcome

Stream C.3.        Capability Engineering for Industry 4.0

Capability Engineering for Industry 4.0. This stream invites submissions exploring how the application of Systems Engineering to Defence projects might need to evolve with CASG 2.0 aims to align the way Defence capabilities are acquired and sustained with the objectives, technologies, processes and tools used by Defence Industry to deliver those capabilities as part of Industry 4.0, also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Lead: Marco Meloni

Tags: Defence

Stream C.4.        Data Science in Systems Engineering

Data Science in Systems Engineering. Modern capabilities are packed with sensors powering data-driven intelligence. What are the opportunities, challenges and achieved successes for systems engineering as a disciplined process to embrace big data? Furthermore, submissions in this stream should explore data science driven decision making within Systems Engineering and how data led insights lead to continuous improvement, lower risk, safer outcomes and competitive advantage.

Lead: Erica Barrett, Varun Prakash

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream C.5.        Digital Transformations

Digital Transformations. This stream invites submissions from all domains that explore efforts to transform systems engineering towards digital engineering, including the adoption and/or adaptation of digital practices, methods, applications & tools; the digitalisation of existing products/systems/solutions, and; emergent digital products/systems/solutions & corresponding challenges (eg safety assurance, end user skills, etc)

Lead: Kerry Lunney, Thomas Manley

Tags: All domains welcome

Stream C.6.        Education for Digital Natives

Education for Digital Natives. This session explores emerging issues in engineering education relevant to enticing digital natives into the systems engineering, testing, modelling and simulation workforce. Submissions are welcome that navigate topics such as the development of relevant content, improving diversity in STEM, industry-university partnerships, the research ecosystem, certification and life-long learning approaches.

Lead: Kumudu Amarawardhana, Sondoss el Sawah

Tags: Education and training, All domains welcome

Stream C.7.        Modelling approaches

Modelling: bridging system modelling and analytical modelling. Contributions to this stream are invited to explore emerging applications and innovations in digital engineering that bring together MBSE and analytical modelling approaches to advance mission engineering, capability acquisition, and system design across defence, transport, energy and other domains.

Chair/Leads: Matthew Wylie, Stephen Cook, Indi Arachchige

Tags: Digital Engineering, All domains welcome


Stream C.8.        Technical Leadership in a Digital Future

Technical Leadership in a Digital Future. This session invites contributions that explore topics in technical leadership across all domains, particularly with respect to leadership in interconnected systems. Presentations should explore the challenges to expand the application of SE across industry domains, learning from other technical approaches, shaping policy, advancing tools and methods and growing SE capability in the workforce.

Lead: Contact the Technical Committee if you can assist in Chairing this session

Tags: All domains welcome